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TCA Student Social Events and Activities

TCA Enriched Curriculum Events and Activities

2024-2025 Planned Events and Activities

All TCA events and activities are designed with one purpose: to nurture the academic and social growth of each child in our program. Events are planned for all K-12 full-time TCA students. Our team will ensure that all age groups are supervised and served in a friendly, safe, and enjoyable environment. We strongly encourage all TCA students to attend. Parents are invited and encouraged to attend all of our off campus TCA Field Trips.

Here is a list of some of the events/activities that we have planned for the 2024-2025 school year. Dates are final unless marked by an asterisk. If the date is tentative, we are still seeking final approval and may change slightly.

Family Engagement Events 2024-2025 

September 6, 2024 – "Welcome to TCA" Annual Picnic  
September 20, 2024- "Nature Walk"
TBD– Fall Field Trip 
TBD– "Turkey Bowl" followed by a Thanksgiving Feast hosted by Nutrition Inc. 
TBD– "Merry Cookies"  A cookie decorating event like no other! 
TBD– "Love and Ice Cream" – TCA Valentine’s Day Social 
Plus many more to come!

91 Commonwealth Ave. West Mifflin, PA 15122
Phone: 412-466-9131 / Fax: 412-466-4595
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