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TCA Course Offerings

TCA Course Offerings

TCA Course Offerings per Grade Level

High School (Grades 9-12)
As with our in-person high school students, TCA high school students have the most course options to select.  High school guidance counselors will work closely with individual families to ensure appropriate classes are selected each year which will help each child graduate prepared to enter the workforce or college ready!

The link below is a list of the High School courses available online through TCA. High School sophomores are also able to attend Steel Center in person in the afternoon.  Transportation to and from Steel Center is provided for HS students. The bus leaves the HS at 11:20 AM and returns to the student's bus stop near 3:00 PM.

Any course that is offered in-person for any grade level but not online, can be taken through our hybrid cyber option.  In the hybrid cyber option, a student will choose certain classes to take online and certain classes to take in-person.

High School (Grades 9-12)
All High school students in grades 9-12 will have access to the all core class offerings that our in-person students can take. The only exception lies within our AP courses. All AP courses must be taken in-person. Please click the link below to view all of the 2023-2024 TCA course offerings. We are pleased to have added numerous online elective offerings this year for our TCA high school students.

Middle School (Grades 4-8)
All Middle school students in Grades 4-8 will be enrolled in the following core courses: Math, English, Science, and Social Studies. TCA students in grades 4-5 will be enrolled in the following electives: Computer Coding, Art, STEAM, Library, and Physical Education. TCA students in grades 6-8 will be enrolled in the following electives: Industrical Technology A and B, Health, Physical Education, Art, Computer Concepts, Exploratory STEAM, STEAM Researching and Engineering, Applied Engineering Technology, and Microsoft Office.  All core classes for grades 4-8 will meet LIVE daily for the entire school year. Elective classes for grades 4-8 will meet LIVE as well and run one day per week throughout the school year.

Elementary School (Grades K-3)
All K-3 elementary students will be enrolled in the following courses: Math, Reading, Social Studies, Science, Art, Music, Physical Education/Health, Little Titans Socials, and Library.
91 Commonwealth Ave. West Mifflin, PA 15122
Phone: 412-466-9131 / Fax: 412-466-4595
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