West Mifflin Area Middle School is proud to present "Beauty and the Beast Jr” on April 5th and April 6th.
Tickets are available at https://admin.eservicestech.com/p/46gF$KdAPNYXb!BUy7B65/events?fbclid=IwAR1BRRYMePoS_cN1kb5KBVuOGzs0BziqfGElVjc6EMi2r9w-cFcCTSH8cfs.
NEW at the Titan Shoppe! TITAN yard signs!
Price: $15.53 (this includes the transaction fee through the Titan Shoppe)
Size: 18x24” Double Sided print
How to Pick Up Your Order: If you have a child in the WM school district, you can choose to have your child bring home the packaged sign from school/pick up at their school. All other orders can be picked up at the West Mifflin Area High School (91 Commonwealth Avenue WM 15122).
*Yard sign includes metal stake and comes packaged in a clear bag*