Coaches, Parents, and Community Members,
This correspondence is in reference to the rules and procedures that will be in effect for the all extra-curricular events at West Mifflin Area School District facilities. The goal of the West Mifflin Area School District is to provide a safe and secure environment for all athletes, coaches, referees, and spectators at our facilities.
A meeting of school administrators, security, the athletic committee, and local law enforcement was held to discuss what needs to be addressed to hold a safe event. There is a plan that will be implemented and unwanted behaviors will not be tolerated.
There will be signage directing the crowd. All guest must purchase a ticket prior to entering the facility.
Spectators coming to an event will need to follow the procedures below,
• The venue will open at 5:30 p.m. and closed at 8 p.m. No one will be permitted to enter the venue after 8 p.m.
• All spectators must sit in the bleachers. No standing.
• All spectators will be searched upon entry and wanded.
• No bags or purses will be permitted.
• No one is permitted on the playing surface at any time.
• No behavior that is unruly, disruptive, or illegal in nature will be tolerated.
• Anyone visibly intoxicated or smells of alcohol or marijuana will not be permitted to enter the venue.
The District hopes by implementing these procedures that everyone can enjoy the event in a positive atmosphere.