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Instant Connect FAQs

Frequently Asked Questions

Q - The message cut off or I didn't get all of it, what can I do?
A  - You can call 855-994-4242 from the number that was called and it will replay the last 24 hours of messages we have
sent out from the district or building level to your number.

Q - What number will calls from this system come from?
A- Calls will continue to come up on your caller ID as 412-466-9131 so you know it is the school district.

Q - Where are the numbers/emails coming from for the text messages, calls, and emails?
A - From the contacts page of your student in PowerSchool. Calls will go to the first 3 phone numbers listed
that are NOT listed as a work number.

Q - Why am I not getting the text messages from the district?
A - Did you opt IN? If you do NOT opt in you will not receive texts from the district. You can opt in by texting YES to 79041. Not sure if you opted in? We can check for you.

Q - Who do I contact if I'm not getting calls or emails?
A - Contact the district IT help desk at 412-466-9131 x 3333. Please give us your name, your students name and the phone number or email address in question and what is happening and we will correct it.

Q - Can the messages be translated to other languages?
A - Yes. Here is the list of languages the system can translate for written messages and text to speech. As long as we have that noted in PowerSchool the messages will automatically translate for you. If they are not please make sure we have updated language information for your student.

Please make sure we always have the most up to date phone number and email address for you and any contacts you want listed for your student.

81 Commonwealth Avenue West Mifflin, PA 15122
Phone: 412-466-9131 / Fax: 412-466-9260
© 2025. West Mifflin Area School District. All Rights Reserved.