Clara Barton Elementary School recently welcomed Adagio Health’s Power Up program to campus! The USDA-funded program encourages students to choose healthier foods and active lifestyles.
While at Clara Barton’s Meet and Greet, Tracy Kalup and the Power Up program provided a fun recipe for healthy strawberry salsa, had a “Guess how many fruits and vegetables” game, and educated families on strategies for healthy lifestyles.
Power Up also spruced up the blacktop behind the school to provide activities for students while they’re outside. Among the new activities for students are bear crawls, elephant walks, leap frog, four square, hopscotch, lunges and more. To learn more about the Power Up Program, visit
In addition to the new blacktop activities, Clara Barton also recently added new picnic tables, a toy shed, and toy boxes to campus thanks to the PTA.
A photo gallery of the new additions to the playground and blacktop, as well as some photos from Power Up’s visit, can be seen below.